For those who want to improve their knowledge and develop activities about seismic and tsunami risk.
Natural Sciences and Citizenship - 7th and 8th years
Seismic Activity| Class 23| 27 minutes| 23 Apr. 2021
The #ESTUDOEMCASA project is aimed at Basic Education students and teachers who wish to use this tool in their teaching-learning process.
April 23, 2021
Why does the earth shake? Explain it to me as if I were 5 years old.
Mónica Amaral Ferreira (Center for Research and Innovation in Civil Engineering for Sustainability - CERIS) answers questions from children and other curious people about her scientific area.
November 14, 2020
Webinar "What can we do to reduce the risk of disasters and make cities more resilient?"
It was the motto of this webminar that intended to reflect and indicate which paths to follow on the 5th of November 2020, the day on which the World Tsunami Risk Awareness Day was marked.
November 9, 2020
Treme-Treme in Panda Mania.
In the Panda Channel, Treme-Treme went with Mónica and Rodrigo to PandaMania, to teach about earthquakes.
February 2, 2019
Practical guide for Earthquake resilient schools
This guide is intended to be a resource, and not a manual, for increasing the resilience of an educational community, by showing the community what they can do on their own account and how they can strengthen their ability to handle seismic risk (for example, being informed and familiarised with the characteristics that affect the vulnerability of an area in the event of an earthquake, and prepared to protect the students under their tutelage before the earth shakes).
Educational guide - Why does the ground shake?
This manual is designed to sup-port the training of primary school teachers, instructors and technicians, who want to improve their knowledge and develop activities about seismic and tsunami risk. The contents and information of this document come from researches carried out at present, and also as the continuation of other projects in which the author has participated, such as the game "Treme-Treme".